
Development concept for a mixed use scheme in Silverdale town centre. The site is an irregular shaped and sloping with three road frontages. The solution presents 'active' street frontages to the existing roads and creates a series of terraced squares defined by small retail and other commercial uses. Parking is situated in integral garages for the houses and undercroft for the commercial uses that takes advantage of the sloping site.

A further view of the concept model showing internal courtyard spaces. The courtyard spaces have small retail uses either facing onto Central boulevard or the internal courtyards by taking advantage of the level changes. The entrance the site is defined by an apartment building with the east end of the main internal space having a Day Care.

Residential layout based on courtyard housing principles. The project design satisfied all development controls except density. Parking is situated in two mezzanine parking garages.

Indicative massing model to demonstrate overall relationships and formation of courtyard spaces.

Masterplan to demonstrate capacity and future character of New Lynn. Etud's role in this project was modeling Council's design work.